O projektach

Seniorada: aktywni razem – młodsi ze starszymi, starsi ze starszymi

O projekcie

We want to connect generations by joint participation in recreational competitions, gymnastics, Nordic Walking, and outdoor games. We want to promote the values of sport as pro-health, social and educational activity among the participants: the elderly and also their families. During the Seniorada, you can try various forms of physical activity, you can admire your peers presenting their skills on stage, which is motivating and inspiring for them. During the event, you can meet other people, not only 50+ but also from other generations. Our participants found it very inspiring and they appreciate how refreshing this event was for their general health and well-being.

What else is in the program?

The programme is always very diverse, yet very consistent through having the fixed points – the zones. These include: the stage zone, the health zone, the recreation zone, the integration, and relax zone. Within the zones we hold concerts, dance shows (e.g. oriental dance in Warsaw), dance workshops, learning to play rounders, yoga, open-air dancing, Nordic Walking with an instructor, recreational competitions, tournaments with prizes for the winner and open-air fitness. Sometimes, thanks to the Seniorada, the participants discover new passions, return to their long-abandoned dreams and activities, and open up to new acquaintances.  These are the reasons for us to keep organising Seniorada. That's what we created ESPAR 50+ for!

For the first time Seniorada was organised in 2007 in Warsaw, by the students of the University of Physical Education in Warsaw specialising in kinesigerontoprophylaxis. Since then ESPAR 50+ expanded significantly and now Seniorada takes place in other locations. Our partners are: Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego im. Józef Piłsudski from the Faculty of Tourism and Recreation, specialization in kinesiology and prevention, and the University of Rzeszów (Faculty of Physical Education), Gdańsk Academy of Physical Education and Sport im. Jędrzej Śniadeckiego and the Opole University of Technology. Each year Seniorada takes place in a different location.

Lokalizacja projektu:

Warszawa, Kozienice, Szamotuły, Opole, Rzeszów.


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Darmowy Program PIT dostarcza  Instytut Wsparcia Organizacji Pozarządowych  w ramach projektu  PITax.pl  dla OPP.